SEPTEMBER 3 - 25, 2016
652 E 52nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 3, 3-5 pm  


Alice Tippit makes paintings. Working with a formal vocabulary comprised of familiar symbols, shapes and forms – many of which reference genres such as still life and portraiture – her intimately-scaled graphic paintings are at once legible, poetic and enigmatic. 

By reducing her compositions to their essential elements, Tippit works within and against the logic of images and the stability of pictorial space. Her forms are so precise that they verge on iconic, and deftly reveal how color and shape can combine to make visual meaning and, just as quickly, slip into the realm of the absurd. 


Alice Tippit (b. 1975) graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago and lives and works in Chicago, Illinois.  Solo and group exhibitions include: Nicelle Beauchene, New York, NY; Carrie Secrist, Chicago, IL; Night Club, Chicago, IL; 47 Canal, New York, NY; Paris London Hong Kong, Chicago, IL; Greene Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA;  Roots & Culture, Chicago, IL; Devening Projects, Chicago, IL; Jancar Jones, Los Angeles, CA; and Important Projects, San Francisco, CA.